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Wendy L. Hackey

Inspired to Inspire

New Release

The Colors of Me

Wendy L. Hackey

Prerelease – Reviews

The Colors of Me

LOVED the Book and Illustrations!

This book is beautifully illustrated with bright and bold colors that would capture a child’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the story.

The story itself is simple yet powerful. It celebrates diversity and encourages children to embrace and appreciate differences in themselves and others.

Highly Recommend!

This is NOT a book for a select group or race. It is for Everyone! We are all created uniquely, and on purpose! We all have an innate desire to be loved and accepted…our differences included!

The author has captured the artistry and beauty of a child’s perspective on how we should view ourselves and the world around us. Well Done!

I had the privilege of reading this book prior to its release. I am so happy that Wendy had the foresight to write this book. This book will help so many children learn to deal with their differences. America is full of bi-racial children, yet still full of prejudices that continue to be passed down from generation to generation. Even today, biracial kids are teased by their Black families because they are too light to be black or their hair and eye colors are different.

This book will allow children to look into the mirror and feel good about being different. It will teach all children about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, something that needs to be taught at an early age. Too many children are being bullied because of their differences. Too many children are committing suicide or harming themselves because of a lack of acceptance and belonging.

Wendy, thank you for writing this beautiful book and I look forward to reading more of your books.

The Colors of Me is a multi-generational book that epitomizes the beauty of diversity and its gift of unconditional love. The book is designed to bring hope to our children and the world while encouraging us to embrace, celebrate and respect God’s people who were created in His image. The author’s message reminds us that our children are watching us so we must model for them to be the change we want to see in this world. Wendy Hackey, unapologetically, advocates that we must encourage our children to be proud of themselves and their rich heritage, which she knows is a gift from God!

From the first line of this book, I was hooked. The kid in me loves the book and so does the adult that helps organizations improve their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives. Understanding that we all have a multilayered identity, that we are all more than what others see is so important. Diversity is more than skin color and ethnicity, it’s everything you see and don’t see. It’s not just black and white and as this reality expands so too should the representations of this. The Colors of Me is a beautiful addition to the growing library of multicultural children’s literature and can serve as an early tool to teach kids about the beauty of diversity.

The Colors of Me’ so beautifully celebrates and encourages us to embrace the diversity of skin colors, offering a powerful message of identity, acceptance, and appreciation of ourselves and every individual. Through the eyes of a young protagonist, the book warmly embraces the tapestry of God’s unique creation of humanity and family heritage. It instills in young readers the importance of proudly embracing their own differences and celebrating the differences of others, while honoring the beauty of every shade of color and unique physical features with which we are graced. With vibrant illustrations and a heartfelt narrative, ‘The Colors of Me’ is a must-read for fostering empathy, understanding, and a sense of unity among children and adults alike.

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